Learning the Seneca Indian Language
Wa:gö’ (Wah-goh) / Food
The vocabulary included below is meant to emphasize the traditional foods of the Seneca, including the three foods collectively known as the Three Sisters (corn, beans, and squash).
Gaëdagö:ka:’ (Gah-eh-dah-goh-kah) Vegetables
Jöhéhgöh (joh-heh-goh): Corn, Beans, and Squash (Three Sisters)
Ogö:sä’ (oh-goh-sah) Baked corn
Ogösägi’ (oh-go-sah-gee) Baked corn soup
Ogösäse:’, (literally, “new bake d corn”) (oh-goh-sah-say) Succotash
Wadésáé’dö:n (wah-dey-sah-eh-doh-n) Baked beans
Otgöwösa:a’ (oh-t-goh-woh-sah) String bean
Otgöwö’sä:gi’ (oh-t-goh-who-sah-gee) String bean soup
Osä’ah (Oh-sah-ah)or onösä’ah (Oh-noh-sah-ah) Unripe corn or beans
Wadé:nyöhsö:dak (wah-dey-nyoh-soh-dak) Baked squash
O:nyöhsowa:nëh (oh-nyoh-soh-wah-neh) Pumpkin
Wahnönö’dö:dak (wah-noh-noh-doh-dak) Baked potatoes
O:yö:n (oh-yoh-n) Fruit
Ogë:sä’ (oh-gey-sah) Unripe fruit
Ojí:ya’ (oh-jee-yah) Berries
Ojísdödá’shä’ (oh-jee-s-doh-dah-shah) Strawberries
Ga:nyö’o:ya’ (gah-nyoh-oh-yah) Apples
Gëdzöh (Geh-dzoh) Fish
Gatge:sha’ (gah-t-gey-shah) Pike
Ja:wë:h (jah-weh) Trout
Ogáwihsö:n (oh-gah-wee-soh-n) Sturgeon
Dzodä:dö’ (dzoh-dah-doh) Bass
O’wà:shö’öh (Oh-wah-shoh-oh), literally meaning “Various kinds of meats”
O’só:ön (oh-soh-oh-n”) Turkey
Neogë’ (ney-oh-geh) Deer
Onyagwai’ (oh-nyah-gwa-ee) Bear